

Wahl, Michael J.
Wahl, Michael J.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Anatomy | PhD (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
E: michael.wahl@mun.ca |

Bioscience of Health & Disease

Andronowski, Janna M.
Andronowski, Janna M.
Associate Professor of BioMedical Sciences | Ph.D. (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

High-resolution 3D imaging of bone microstructure and the related study of bone adaptation, aging, and disease.
Faculty Profile Page

T: (709) 864-6079 | E: jandronowski@mun.ca |

Dore, Jules
Dore, Jules
Associate Professor of Cell Biology | B.Sc. UBC, M.S. Florida, Ph.D. Tennessee

Regulation of Cell Growth.

T: 709-864-6047 | E: jdore@mun.ca | O: 5338/5314 |

Dorward, Ann
Dorward, Ann
Associate Professor of BioMedical Sciences | PhD (McMaster)

Mouse models of reproductive disorders and cancer; genetic and epigenetic regulation.

T: (709) 864-6642; Lab: (709) 864-6460 | E: ann.dorward@mun.ca | O: M5M308; Lab: M5M205 |

Esseltine, Jessica
Esseltine, Jessica
Associate Professor of BioMedical Sciences | PhD (University of Western Ontario)
T: (709) 864-3388; Lab: (709) 864-6036 | E: jesseltine@mun.ca | O: 4338 |

Gendron, Robert
Gendron, Robert
Professor of Cancer/Cardiovascular Biology, and Cross Appointment with Oncology | Ph.D. (McGill University)

Regulation of blood vessels in development and disease.
Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-3359 / 709-864-6005 | E: rgendron@mun.ca |

Kao, Ken
Kao, Ken
Professor of Oncology | B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Toronto

Development of the vertebrate embryo -- the role of the Rel proto-oncogene in the formation of the nervous system of amphibians.

T: 709-864-6057 / 709-864-3334 / 709-864-3335 | E: kkao@mun.ca | O: 3307B |

Kendall, Edward
Kendall, Edward
Associate Dean, Professor, BioMedical Sciences | BSc (Dalhousie) MSc (Dalhousie) PhD (Guelph)

My research covers various aspects of biomedical imaging for both pre-clinical and clinical applications. Current projects include: automated analysis of medical images and radiation management in x-ray imaging. I offer a course (Med 6106) on diagnostic imaging modalities tailored for biomedical students.

T: 709 864-6004 | E: edward.kendall@mun.ca | O: 5362A |

Leitges, Michael
Leitges, Michael
Professor of BioMedical Sciences | PhD

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Cell Signaling and Translational Medicine
Canada Chair (Tier 1)

T: (709) 864-6635 | E: mleitges@mun.ca | O: 5M320 |

Olajide, Joseph Olayemi
Olajide, Joseph Olayemi
Assistant Professor of BioMedical Sciences, Ph.D.

Mechanisms underlying pathobiological processes in normal aging and brain disorders
Faculty Profile Page

T: (709) 864-6492 | E: joseph.olajide@mun.ca | O: M-5M307 Lab: H5351 |

Paradis, Hélène
Paradis, Hélène
Professor of Vascular Molecular Biology/Pediatric Cancers | B.Sc., Ph.D. Montreal

Development and Cancer to Ocular Health and Aging

T: 709-864-6011; lab: 709-864-6005 | E: hparadis@mun.ca | O: 5360 |

Cardiovascular and Renal Sciences

Fraser, Graham M.
Fraser, Graham M.
Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences | PhD (University of Western Ontario)

microcirculation, oxygen transport, mass transport, blood flow regulation, sepsis, type 2 diabetes, preeclampsia, and inflammation

T: 709-864-4313 | E: graham.fraser@mun.ca | O: HSC 5337 |

Incognito, Anthony
Incognito, Anthony
Assistant Professor of Cardiovascular and Renal Sciences. PhD, University of Guelph
T: 709 864-6051 | C: 709 764 9263 | E: aincognito@mun.ca | O: Office: 5M314 Lab: H4332 |

Karwi, Qutuba
Karwi, Qutuba
Assistant Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences I BSc in Pharmacy (Hon), MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences, PhD in Pharmacology (Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom)

Alterations in Cell Metabolism in Age- and Mitochondrial-Associated Diseases
Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-8864 | E: qutuba.karwi@mun.ca |

Stuyvers, Bruno D.
Stuyvers, Bruno D.
Professor of Cardiac & Renal Physiology | PhD (INSERM-France)

Cellular regulations of electrophysiology and force development of ischemic heart.
Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-4932 / lab: 709-864-4933/709-864-4934 | E: stuyvers@mun.ca |

Tabrizchi, Reza
Tabrizchi, Reza
Professor of Pharmacology (Cardiovascular) | B.Sc.(Hons.) Sunderland, M.Sc., Ph.D. British Columbia

Cardiovascular Pharmacology; Heart Failure; Venous circulation; Receptor kinetics.

T: 709-864-3381 | E: rtabrizc@mun.ca | O: HSC 5333 |

Zechariah, Anil
Zechariah, Anil
Assistant Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences | PhD (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

Vascular regulatory mechanisms and their significance in cardiovascular and neurological diseases.
Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-6411 | lab: 709-864-6062 | E: azechariah@mun.ca | O: HSC 5359 |

Human Genetics & Genomics

Benoukraf, Touati
Benoukraf, Touati
Canada Research Chair in Bioinformatics for Personalized Medicine | Associate Professor of Genomics & Bioinformatics | PhD (Aix-Marseille II)

Epigenomic drift mechanisms in cancers and neurodegenerative diseases using integrative omics analytics.
Faculty Profile Page
Canada Chair (Tier 2)

T: (709) 864-6671 | E: tbenoukraf@mun.ca | O: M5M318 |

French, Curtis
French, Curtis
Associate Professor of Genetics | PhD (Alberta)
T: (709) 864-6503 | lab: (709) 864-6503 | E: v77crf@mun.ca | O: M5M327 |

Savas, Sevtap
Savas, Sevtap
Professor, Human Genetics Cross appointment with Oncology | B. Sc., M.Sc., PhD (Bogazici)
T: (709) 864-6507 | lab: (709) 864-6628 | E: savas@mun.ca | O: M5M324 |

Woods, Michael
Woods, Michael
Associate Professor, Discipline of Genetics | PhD (Memorial)
T: (709) 864-6489 | lab:(709)864-6636 | E: mwoods@mun.ca | O: M5M304 |

Young, Terry-Lynn
Young, Terry-Lynn
Professor, Discipline of Genetics | PhD (Memorial)
T: (709) 864-6512 | lab: (709) 864-6637 | E: tlyoung@mun.ca | O: M5M329 |

Zhai, Guangju
Zhai, Guangju
University Research Professor | PhD (Tasmania)
T: (709) 864-6683 | lab: (709) 864-6638 | E: gzhai@mun.ca | O: M5M326 |

Immunology and Infectious Disease

Grant, Michael
Grant, Michael
Professor of Immunology | PhD, McMaster 1993; MSc, UBC 1989; BSc, UBC 1978

Immunology of chronic viral infection in relation to aging.

Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-6569/6004 | Lab: 709-864-6564/6565 | E: mgrant@mun.ca |

Hirasawa, Kensuke
Hirasawa, Kensuke
Professor of Immunology | PhD University of Tokyo

Virus infection and cellular signaling pathways.

Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-6058 / 709-864-6059 | E: kensuke@mun.ca |

Kaushik, Deepak
Kaushik, Deepak
Assistant Professor of Immunology | Ph.D. (National Brain Research Centre, India)

Understanding the immuno-metabolic signaling within myeloid cells including monocytes and macrophages during multiple sclerosis (MS) pathology, an inflammatory and degenerative condition of the central nervous system

Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-6028 | lab: 709-864-3664 | E: dkaushik@mun.ca | O: H5352A Labs: H5352 and H5344 |

Law, John
Law, John
Assistant Professor of BioMedical Sciences | B.Sc. and Ph.D. (University of Alberta)

Characterize virus-host interaction focusing on replication and the humoral immune response.
Faculty Profile Page

T: (709) 864-3334 | E: john.law@mun.ca | O: H3307A |

Russell, Rod
Russell, Rod
Professor of Virology and Immunology | Vice Dean, Research and Graduate Studies | President, Canadian Society for Virology | Editor-in-Chief, Viral Immunology | Ph.D. McGill University

Molecular Virology of Hepatitis C Virus.
Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-2875 | lab: 709-864-2874 | E: rodney.russell@mun.ca | O: HSC-4335 | lab: HSC-4333 |


Chen, Xihua
Chen, Xihua
Professor of Neurosciences (Biological Psychiatry) | M.B. China, Ph.D. Cambridge

Regulation of dopamine neurons.

T: 709-864-3351 / 709-864-3352 | E: xihuac@mun.ca | O: H4332 |

Hirasawa, Michiru
Hirasawa, Michiru
Professor of Neurosciences | PhD, DVM

Neurobiology of Obesity; Cancer Neuroscience
Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-6573 | lab: 709-864-6572 | E: michiru@mun.ca | O: H4337 | lab: H4334 |

Moore, Craig S.
Moore, Craig S.
Associate Professor (Neuroimmunology) | PhD Dalhousie

Neuroimmunology, inflammation, multiple sclerosis, and glial cell differentiation.
Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-4955 |lab: 709-864-4953 | E: craig.moore@mun.ca | O: H5339 |

Parsons, Matthew
Parsons, Matthew
Associate Professor of BioMedical Sciences (Neurosciences) | PhD Memorial

Synaptic neurotransmission and neurodegenerative disease.

T: 709-864-3373 | lab: 709-864-3369 | E: matthew.parsons@med.mun.ca | O: H5340A |

Ploughman, Michelle
Ploughman, Michelle
Professor of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) | BScPT (Dalhousie), MSc (MUN), PhD (MUN), Postdoctorate (Atlantic endMS Research & Training Network)
T: 709 777-2099 | E: Michelle.ploughman@med.mun.ca |

Stachniak, Tevye
Stachniak, Tevye
Assistant Professor of BioMedical Sciences (Neuroscience) | PhD McGill University; MSc University of Alberta

Synaptic physiology and pharmacology; G-protein-coupled receptors; psychiatric disorders.
Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-6006 | E: tstachniak@mun.ca | O: H5307 |

Vanderluit, Jacqueline L.
Vanderluit, Jacqueline L.
Professor of Neurosciences | Ph.D. University of British Columbia

Neural stem cell biology, neurogenesis, neural regeneration, stroke.
Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-6021 | lab: 709-864-6019 | E: j.vanderluit@mun.ca |

Yuan, Qi
Yuan, Qi
Professor of Neurosciences | PhD (Memorial University)

Mechanisms of learning, memory and memory diseases.
Faculty Profile Page

E: qyuan@mun.ca |

Affiliated Faculty

  Belbin, Thomas - B.Sc., Ph.D., Memorial
Associate Professor and GSK Research Chair, Discipline of Oncology
(Cross Appointment with the Division of Biomedical Sciences)
Brown, Robert – PhD, .B.Sc. (Hons.), University of Ottawa
  Assistant Professor of BioChemistry - Cross Appointed from BioChemistry
Cheema, Sukhinder - Ph.D., Biochemistry (Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India), M.Sc. Biochemistry (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India), B.Sc. (Punjab University, Chandigarh, India)
  Professor of Biochemistry - Cross Appointed from BioChemistry
  Christian, Sherri - B.B.(Hons), Alberta, Ph.D. British Columbia
Cross appointed from Biochemistry
Cousins, Patricia - Ph.D., Memorial University
Adjunct Professor, Division of BioMedical Sciences
  Daneshtalab, Noriko - B.Sc., Ph.D., Alberta
Cross appointed from Pharmacy
  Hodgkinson, Kathleen - Ph.D. (Memorial)
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology
Jason Huan - Full Stack Software Engineer  
Professional Associate of BioMedical Sciences
Jiang, Xianta – PhD, Simon Fraser University & Zhejiang University
Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences, Cross Appointed from Computer Sciences
  Kovacs, Christopher - M.D., B.A. Queen's, FRCPC, FACP, FACE
University Research Professor
Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology and Metabolism) / Obstetrics & Gynecology, and BioMedical Sciences - Cross appointed from Medicine
  Larijani, Mani - Ph.D., Honors B.Sc., University of Toronto
Adjunct Professor, Immunology and Infectious Diseases
(Cross Appointed to Oncology)
  Mandal, Sanat - M.Sc. Bandaras, Ph.D. Calcutta
Adjunct Professor, Division of BioMedical Sciences
Moore, G. R. Wayne - BSc, Memorial University of Newfoundland, MD, CM, McGill University
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia - Adjunct Professor, Division of BioMedical Sciences
O'Rielly, Darren - Head, Molecular Genetics & Centre for Translational Genomics, Eastern Health, Clinical Assistant Professor, Cross Appointed from Discipline of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, Adjunct Professor, Division of BioMedical Sciences
Pearcey, Gregory - PhD, University of Victoria; MSc, Memorial University; BKin, Memorial University
Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology - Assistant Professor of Biophysical Aspects of Human Movement - Cross Appointed from Human Kinetics and Recreation
  Pena-Castillo, Lourdes - PhD (Magdeburg)
Professor in Computer Science
Power, Kevin – B. Kin. Memorial, MPE Memorial, PhD Manitoba, CSEP-CEP
  Associate Professor of BioChemistry - Cross Appointed from Human Kinetics and Recreation - Acting Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, HKR
  Qi, Dake – Ph.D. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of British Columbia, M.D. Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
  Adjunct Professor, Division of BioMedical Sciences
  Rahman, Proton - MD (Memorial), FRCPC
Associate Dean, Clinical Research
Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology)
  Vasdev, Sudesh - B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., D.V.M. Punjab, FACB
Professor of Medicine, and Director Renal Laboratory - Joint Appointment with Medicine
  Weber, John - B.S. Biology, M.S. Pharm, Ph.D. Virginia
Associate Professor of Pharmacy - Cross appointed from Pharmacy
  Yilmaz, Yildiz - PhD (Waterloo)
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics
and Discipline of Genetics
Zendel, Benjamin – BA., University of Calgary, MA., Ph.D. University of Toronto
  Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair in Aging and Auditory Neuroscience – Cross Appointed from Community Health and Humanities

Retired Faculty

Carayanniotis, George
Carayanniotis, George
B.Sc., U. of Patras, Greece Ph.D., U. of Toronto (Immunology) | Professor of Medicine

Immunoregulation of Thyroid Disease.

Drover, Sheila
Drover, Sheila
Honorary Research Professor, Associate Professor of Immunology | M.Sc., Ph.D. Memorial

Regulation and expression of peptide-dependent HLA epitopes in different antigen-presenting cells; HLA epitopes associated with disease susceptibility and resistance.

Faculty Profile Page

T: 709-864-2896 | lab: 709-864-2894/2897 | E: sdrover@mun.ca | O: H1846 |

Gillespie, Laura
Gillespie, Laura
B.Sc., Ph.D. Ottawa | Professor of Molecular Oncology

Molecular mechanism of signal transduction during growth factor/oncogene-induced cell differentiation; Identification of early response genes to fibroblast growth factor.

Green, Jane
Green, Jane
OC, ONL, BSc, MSc (UBC); PhD (Memorial), CCMG (hon), FCAHS | Discipline of Genetics (Cross Appointed to Surgery [Ophthalmology], Medicine, Oncology)

Harris, MD, June A.
Harris, MD, June A.
B.Sc., B.P.E., M.D., Memorial | Professor Emeritus, Professor of Anatomy

McKay, Donald W.
McKay, Donald W.
B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D. Michigan State University | Professor Emeritus

McLean, John
McLean, John
PhD Dalhousie | Professor of Neuroscience and Anatomy

[Neuroscience] A window on promoting memory.

Mearow, Karen
Mearow, Karen
B.Sc., M.Sc. Brock, Ph.D. McMaster | Professor of Neuro/Molecular Biology

Cellular and molecular mechanisms that are involved in neuronal survival and axonal growth.

Michalak, Thomas I.
Michalak, Thomas I.
M.D. Ph.D. Warsaw | Professor Emeritus, Honorary Research Professor Professor of Molecular Virology and Medicine (Hepatology) Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Molecular Virology

Virus-host interactions in immunopathogenesis of liver diseases; molecular biology and immunology of hepatitis B and C virus persistence; immunotherapy of viral hepatitis.

Paterno, Gary
Paterno, Gary
B.Sc., M.Sc. Toronto, Ph.D. Ottawa | Professor of Oncology

Role of growth factor-related oncogenes in development; Characterization of pattern formation genes.

Smeda, John
Smeda, John
B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc. Brock, Ph.D. McMaster | Professor of Cardiovascular/Renal Physiology

Alterations in the cerebrovasculature associated with hemorrhagic stroke development; The role of the kidney and renin angiotensin system in the production of hemorrhagic stroke; The role of endothelium in the production of posthemorrhagic vasospasm; The electrophysiological and pharmacological mechanism promoting the autoregulation of cerebrovascular blood flow.

Van Vliet, Bruce
Van Vliet, Bruce
B.Sc. Toronto, Ph.D. Saskatchewan | Professor of Cardiovascular/Renal Physiology

Nervous control of blood pressure; Sympathetic control of renal function; Blood pressure variability; Reflex control of cardiac metabolism.

Church, Jon
Church, Jon
Professor | Ph.D Toronto

Mechanisms of EGF-medicated signal transduction; EGF-mediated growth inhibition; Breast cancer and communications research.

E: jchurch@mun.ca |